Friday, July 4, 2008


Plot is divided into four parts: exposition (includes foreshadowing and introduction), inciting incident, rising action, climax, anticlimax and resolution and denouement. ·Exposition The foreshadowing is described in the first paragraph, “It’s a hot day and I hate my wife”. It illustrates the whole story thoroughly, in which the story focuses on the husband’s thought of a plan to murder his wife for he hates her so much. The introduction starts from the 2nd – 6th paragraph. It tells how the game moves on between two players -the husband and the wife- and how they try to beat each other (from the word “BEGIN” – “JINXED”). ·Inciting incident It introduces the central conflict. It is shown in paragraph 7, when the husband tends to kill his wife, “…Maybe I should kill her”. The inciting incident then develops and the action rises. The developments, which describe the husband’s efforts to murder his wife, are shown in the paragraph 8th-29th. ·Rising Action Rising action is illustrated in the 30th – 37th paragraph, when the husband finally realizes that the scrabble words they have created are coming to be real. The suspense increases as the complications of the conflict develop. ·Climax Climax is shown in the 38th – 41st paragraph, when the husband is struck by a powerful, terrible and dangerous word. He then decides to play “QUAKE”. Hoping by this word, he will finally be able to end his wife’s life. ·Anticlimax Anticlimax is described in the 41st – 42nd paragraph. It also includes irony when the husband’s intensity to finish her wife’s life is in vain. Unexpectedly, Fish ends this story by killing the husband. He has to die in his wife’s hand when she plays the word “DEATH”. ·Resolution and denouement
Fish sets the resolution of the story in the last paragraph. It is described, when the husband finally dead and falls to the floor. The denouement is shown when the wife just sits there and watches.

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